Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Summary on King Faisal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary on King Faisal - Research Paper Example He was also involved in diplomatic matters like the congratulations to the King of England on Britain's victory in the First World War, tramped the battlefields, walked the docks of London, and studied a Welsh steel mill. Indeed, Faisal was the kingdom's first Minister of Foreign Affairs and other responsibilities like serving as President of the Consultative Council, Minister of Finance, President of the Council of Deputies, Minister of Commerce, Viceroy of the Hijaz, Minister of the Interior, Vice-President and President of the Council of Ministers. In these years of service, Faisal polished his leadership qualities that embraced the teachings of Islam and the demands of the modern world. Again, when turbulent political currents swept through the Middle East, Faisal assumed the de facto leadership of the Arab world and guided its policies into the channels of moderation that suited his country and the interests of Islamic people. Indeed, Faisal was a modernized leader, an autocrat to the world, and a democrat to his people. Actually, Faisal featured in the world of man and the world of God (Saudi Aramco World Web). Saudi Arabia has faced different economic turnaround in the neighbourhood of time. In 1925, the government of Saudi attempted to establish a national currency by issuing its first coin followed by a silver riyal two years later. Indeed, paper currency was not unknown in Saudi Arabia. In 1939, the Arabian American Oil Company made its first oil payments to the Saudi Arabian Government that changed the Saudi economy so drastically. Moreover, in 1945 there was expansion of oil production and government's payments and purchases, and the injection of large amounts of cash into the economy. Additionally, in 1948 the Saudi government published its first detailed government budget, which proved unworkable. Nevertheless, under King Abd al-'Aziz, the monarch's strong predilection for austerity had been keeping the Saudi government spending in check. However, after his death in November 1953, there was relaxation on restraints on consumption as well as the rise of foreign exchange payments by Saudi Arabia plunging Saudi into economic downturn, low oil revenues inflation, and national debt. It is now that Crown Prince Faisal ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz Al Sa'ud thought of a course of action (Shea Web). Faisal, Ahmed Zaki Saad, an executive director of the International Monetary Fund, and Anwar 'Ali, director of the Middle East department of the IMF sought to rectify the economic situation in Saudi Arabia. After six years of good financial strategies and leadership, there was significant change in the economic situation in Saudi. The national debt had been paid, better infrastructure, better education, and health care developments. Hence, King Faisal was significant in revolutionizing the Saudi economy by offering good leadership (Shea Web). The success of King Faisal led to the launch of The King Faisal International Prize in 1976. The KFIP is an international project under King Faisal Foundation aimed at perpetuating King Faisal’s humanitarian legacy. Its mission is â€Å"to preserve and promote Islamic culture, education and reward excellence in academic and scientific research, provide assistance and develop self-sufficiency in less fortunate communities around the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The principles and prospect of sustainable design Dissertation

The principles and prospect of sustainable design - Dissertation Example It passes unnoticed precisely because it is perfectly functional and its form flows seamlessly into the surrounding environment. For example, an comfortable chair passes unnoticed simply because it is comfortable and compatible with the human form. A well designed kitchen appliance, even something as simple as a can opener, passes unnoticed precisely when it functions easily and smoothly. At the same time design is intimately linked to the world around it. It is a product of wider technological processes and pervasive artistic influences. Fifty years ago issues around environmental problems largely passed unnoticed. However, in the last thirty years as environmental issues have become of increasing importance and awareness has grown of packaging waste, climate change and other issues design considerations have expanded to encompass environmental issues. More recently, emphasis on environmental issues has been replaced by an emphasis on sustainability. The following discussion will fo cus on the interrelationship between sustainability and design. Initially, the term sustainability will be explored and examined. Then the specific issue of sustainability and design will be analyzed. ... In fact, this proposal will argue that most of the 'sustainable' proposals fro rebuilding New Orleans are not sustainable as they neglect the key socio-cultural aspects of sustainable design. Subsequently, one simple proposal for reconstruction that is truly sustainable economically, environmentally and socio-culturally will be presented. The final section of this proposal will then consider how the specific proposal for sustainable reconstruction in New Orleans can be applied in a wider framework in other parts of the globe (notably the United Kingdom). Sustainability Discussion of the issue of sustainable design will commence with a consideration of the history (etymology) of the word sustain, the root of the term sustainability. According to the Online Etymological Dictionary the root of sustain comes from â€Å"late 13 century, from Old French sustenir "hold up, endure," from Latin sustinere "hold up, support, endure," from sub "up from below" + tenere "to hold".2 Thus, sustaina ble design is design that can be supported or held up by the economy, the environment and society. In the context of design, sustainable designs are those designs that can be supported by the environment. Sustainable designs are designs that do not deplete the resources of the environment, but rather can be supported by them. A short, widely accepted and functional definition of sustainability has existed since at least 1987 when the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future (commonly known as the Brundtland Report) was published. The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) stated, "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future